The ERA Song

Sing the ‘official’ ERA song at your next rally! Click here for the song and lyrics!

Write to Your Senator

Use this form letter to show your senator that you support the ERA and encourage her/him to vote in favor of extending the ratification deadline or create your own!

Not sure who your senators are? View the full state by state list here.

Dear [Senator],

Our country is standing at a crossroads. We are being […]

Example Letters from Supporters

Who’s Your Senator?

Alabama John J. Sparkman, (D) James B. Allen, (D) Alaska Ted Stevens, (R) Mike Gravel, (D) Arizona Dennis DeConcini, (D) Barry Goldwater, (R) Arkansas Kaneaster Hodges, Jr. Dale L. Bumpers, (D) California Alan MacGregor Cranston, (D) S. I. Hayakawa, (R) Colorado Floyd K. Haskell, (D) Gary Hart, (D) Connecticut Abraham A. Ribicoff, (D) Lowell […]